Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Back to school


My blog isn't taking a back-seat. I promise. For those of you who actually follow it, I am committed to giving you more information into my life. Honest. I've just been a little...how do you say...busy. Busy with life, with homework, with work, with school. And my virtual "sociality" has taken a hit by my re-born, real-life "sociality" here at school.

But...never fear. One of my classes is requiring me to keep a blog. Yup. A blog with what we learned.

No, no, no. It's not BORING. It's actually pretty cool. You should check it out. I want to share what I've learned. and I want you to share something with me, too. Deal? I mean, we are friends. I want to learn from you.

So...check it out: comm250rocksmyworld.blogspot.com

The first post is pretty good. And better posts are sure to come.

And I promise...eventually I'll get some pictures posted here. And then you can follow my "happenings" along with "what I'm learning in school."


Julie said...

Oh, I miss school! There is nothing better than fresh books and notebooks. And the potential in you of all the learning you get to do over the next semester. SO fun! Did you hear about Scott and I?

Julie said...

I guess it's better grammar to say "Did you hear about Scott and me?" :)